折线图,设置datasetGesture : true时,Y轴的刻度值居然会变。会变也就算了,居然没地方设置不能变。
折线图,设置tap.point事件,和datasetGesture : true,拖动时,返回的(data,i,j)这个i居然是以折线表的展现的0为基准。
window.JingleChart = JChart = { version : '0.1', animationOptions : { linear : function (t){ return t; }, easeInQuad: function (t) { return t*t; }, easeOutQuad: function (t) { return -1 *t*(t-2); }, easeInOutQuad: function (t) { if ((t/=1/2) < 1) return 1/2*t*t; return -1/2 * ((--t)*(t-2) - 1); }, easeInCubic: function (t) { return t*t*t; }, easeOutCubic: function (t) { return 1*((t=t/1-1)*t*t + 1); }, easeInOutCubic: function (t) { if ((t/=1/2) < 1) return 1/2*t*t*t; return 1/2*((t-=2)*t*t + 2); }, easeInQuart: function (t) { return t*t*t*t; }, easeOutQuart: function (t) { return -1 * ((t=t/1-1)*t*t*t - 1); }, easeInOutQuart: function (t) { if ((t/=1/2) < 1) return 1/2*t*t*t*t; return -1/2 * ((t-=2)*t*t*t - 2); }, easeInQuint: function (t) { return 1*(t/=1)*t*t*t*t; }, easeOutQuint: function (t) { return 1*((t=t/1-1)*t*t*t*t + 1); }, easeInOutQuint: function (t) { if ((t/=1/2) < 1) return 1/2*t*t*t*t*t; return 1/2*((t-=2)*t*t*t*t + 2); }, easeInSine: function (t) { return -1 * Math.cos(t/1 * (Math.PI/2)) + 1; }, easeOutSine: function (t) { return 1 * Math.sin(t/1 * (Math.PI/2)); }, easeInOutSine: function (t) { return -1/2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI*t/1) - 1); }, easeInExpo: function (t) { return (t==0) ? 1 : 1 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t/1 - 1)); }, easeOutExpo: function (t) { return (t==1) ? 1 : 1 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * t/1) + 1); }, easeInOutExpo: function (t) { if (t==0) return 0; if (t==1) return 1; if ((t/=1/2) < 1) return 1/2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)); return 1/2 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * --t) + 2); }, easeInCirc: function (t) { if (t>=1) return t; return -1 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t/=1)*t) - 1); }, easeOutCirc: function (t) { return 1 * Math.sqrt(1 - (t=t/1-1)*t); }, easeInOutCirc: function (t) { if ((t/=1/2) < 1) return -1/2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - t*t) - 1); return 1/2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t-=2)*t) + 1); }, easeInElastic: function (t) { var s=1.70158;var p=0;var a=1; if (t==0) return 0; if ((t/=1)==1) return 1; if (!p) p=1*.3; if (a < Math.abs(1)) { a=1; var s=p/4; } else var s = p/(2*Math.PI) * Math.asin (1/a); return -(a*Math.pow(2,10*(t-=1)) * Math.sin( (t*1-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p )); }, easeOutElastic: function (t) { var s=1.70158;var p=0;var a=1; if (t==0) return 0; if ((t/=1)==1) return 1; if (!p) p=1*.3; if (a < Math.abs(1)) { a=1; var s=p/4; } else var s = p/(2*Math.PI) * Math.asin (1/a); return a*Math.pow(2,-10*t) * Math.sin( (t*1-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p ) + 1; }, easeInOutElastic: function (t) { var s=1.70158;var p=0;var a=1; if (t==0) return 0; if ((t/=1/2)==2) return 1; if (!p) p=1*(.3*1.5); if (a < Math.abs(1)) { a=1; var s=p/4; } else var s = p/(2*Math.PI) * Math.asin (1/a); if (t < 1) return -.5*(a*Math.pow(2,10*(t-=1)) * Math.sin( (t*1-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p )); return a*Math.pow(2,-10*(t-=1)) * Math.sin( (t*1-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p )*.5 + 1; }, easeInBack: function (t) { var s = 1.70158; return 1*(t/=1)*t*((s+1)*t - s); }, easeOutBack: function (t) { var s = 1.70158; return 1*((t=t/1-1)*t*((s+1)*t + s) + 1); }, easeInOutBack: function (t) { var s = 1.70158; if ((t/=1/2) < 1) return 1/2*(t*t*(((s*=(1.525))+1)*t - s)); return 1/2*((t-=2)*t*(((s*=(1.525))+1)*t + s) + 2); }, easeInBounce: function (t) { return 1 - JChart.animationOptions.easeOutBounce (1-t); }, easeOutBounce: function (t) { if ((t/=1) < (1/2.75)) { return 1*(7.5625*t*t); } else if (t < (2/2.75)) { return 1*(7.5625*(t-=(1.5/2.75))*t + .75); } else if (t < (2.5/2.75)) { return 1*(7.5625*(t-=(2.25/2.75))*t + .9375); } else { return 1*(7.5625*(t-=(2.625/2.75))*t + .984375); } }, easeInOutBounce: function (t) { if (t < 1/2) return JChart.animationOptions.easeInBounce (t*2) * .5; return JChart.animationOptions.easeOutBounce (t*2-1) * .5 + 1*.5; } }, /** * 通用的计时控制器 */ requestAnimFrame : (function(){ return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback) { window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; })(), isNumber : function(n){ return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n); }, isEqual : function(number1, number2, digits){ digits = digits == undefined? 10: digits; // 默认精度为10 return number1.toFixed(digits) === number2.toFixed(digits); }, /** * 取有效区域内的值 * @param valueToCap * @param maxValue * @param minValue * @return {*} */ capValue : function(valueToCap, maxValue, minValue){ var value; if(this.isNumber(maxValue) && valueToCap > maxValue) { return maxValue; } if(this.isNumber(minValue) && valueToCap < minValue ){ return minValue; } return valueToCap; }, getDecimalPlaces : function(num){ if (num%1!=0){ return num.toString().split(".")[1].length } else{ return 0; } }, extend : function(target){ var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1); this.each(args,function(v,i){ extend(target,v); }); function extend(target,source){ for(var key in source){ var o = source[key]; if(o instanceof Array){ target[key] = extend([], o); }else if(o instanceof Object){ target[key] = extend({},o); }else{ target[key] = o; } } return target; } return target; }, clone : function(obj){ var o; if (typeof obj == "object") { if (obj === null) { o = null; } else { if (obj instanceof Array) { o = []; for (var i = 0, len = obj.length; i < len; i++) { o.push(this.clone(obj[i])); } } else { o = {}; for (var j in obj) { o[j] = this.clone(obj[j]); } } } } else { o = obj; } return o; }, //只对array有效 each : function(array,fn,context){ for(var i = 0,len=array.length;i)[^\t]*)'/g, "$1\r") .replace(/\t=(.*?)%>/g, "',$1,'") .split("\t").join("');") .split("%>").join("p.push('") .split("\r").join("\\'") + "');}return p.join('');"); // Provide some basic currying to the user return data ? fn( data ) : fn; }; return tmpl; })()};;(function(_){ function Bar(data,cfg){ _.Scale.apply(this); var barRanges = [];//记录柱状图的占据的位置 this._type_ = 'bar'; var _this = this; this.data = data;//所有的数据 this.chartData = null;//图表当前展示的数据 //配置项 _.extend(this.config,{ //是否显示bar的边框 showBarBorder : true, //bar边框宽度 barBorderWidth : 2, //每两个bar之间的间距 barSpacing : 1, //每两组bar之间的间距 barSetSpacing : 5, //是否可以对数据进行拖动 datasetGesture : false, //每次显示的数据条数 datasetShowNumber : 12 }); /** * 绑定canvas dom元素上的事件 如:click、touch */ this.bindEvents = function(){ this.on('_tap',function(x,y){tapHandler(x,y,'tap.bar')}); //this.on('_doubleTap',function(x,y){tapHandler(x,y,'doubleTap.bar')}); this.on('_longTap',function(x,y){tapHandler(x,y,'longTap.bar')}); if(this.config.datasetGesture){ this.bindDataGestureEvent(); } } /** * 初始化部分元素值 */ this.draw = function(noAnim){ if(this.config.datasetGesture && this.data.labels.length > _this.config.datasetShowNumber){ this.chartData = this.sliceData(this.data,0,this.data.labels.length,this.config.datasetShowNumber); }else{ this.chartData = this.data; } this.mergeFont(['scaleFont','textFont']); this.initScale(true); if(noAnim){ this.drawScale(); this.drawBars(1); }else{ this.doAnim(this.drawScale,this.drawBars); } } this.redraw = function(data){ this.chartData = data; this.clear(); this.initScale(true); this.drawScale(); this.drawBars(1); } this.drawBars = function(animPc){ if(animPc >= 1)barRanges = []; var ctx = _this.ctx,cfg = _this.config,scale = _this.scaleData; _.each(_this.chartData.datasets,function(set,i){ if(!cfg.showBarBorder)borderColor = null; _.each(set.data,function(d,j){ var x = scale.x + cfg.barSetSpacing + scale.xHop*j + scale.barWidth*i + cfg.barSpacing*i + cfg.barBorderWidth* i, y = scale.y,width = scale.barWidth,height = animPc*_this.calcOffset(d,scale.yScaleValue,scale.yHop)+(cfg.barBorderWidth/2), color = set.color,borderColor,bgColor = _.hex2Rgb(color,0.6); if(cfg.showBarBorder){ //边框颜色默认与设置颜色一致 borderColor = set.borderColor || color; } ctx.rect(x,y,width,-height,bgColor,borderColor,cfg.barBorderWidth); if(animPc >= 1){ barRanges.push([x,x+width,y,y-height,j,i]); } cfg.showText && _this.drawText(d,x+width/2,y-height-3,[j,i]); }); }) } function tapHandler(x,y,event){ var p = isInBarRange(x,y); if(p){ _this.trigger(event,[_this.chartData.datasets[p[5]].data[p[4]],p[4],p[5]]); } } function isInBarRange(x,y){ var range; _.each(barRanges,function(r){ if(x >= r[0] && x <= r[1] && y >= r[3] && y <= r[2]){ range = r; return false; } }); return range; } //初始化参数 if(cfg)this.initial(cfg); } _.Bar = Bar;})(JChart)/** * 简单的Canvas帮助类,使canvas支持类似于jquery的链式操作,支持CanvasRenderingContext2D所有的方法,并提供一些常用的工具方法 */;(function(_){ function Chain(el){ //需要返回结果的方法,这些方法将不能进行后续的链式调用 var needReturnValueFn = ['isPointInPath','measureText','getImageData']; function Canvas(){ this.el = el = (typeof el === 'string') ? document.getElementById(el) : el; this.ctx = el.getContext('2d'); this.width = el.width; this.height = el.height; addProtoFunc(this.ctx); } //添加canvas原生方法到prototype中 function addProtoFunc(ctx){ for(var fn in CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype){ if(Canvas.prototype[fn])continue; Canvas.prototype[fn] = function(fn){ return function(){ var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); var result = ctx[fn].apply(ctx,args); if(needReturnValueFn.indexOf(fn)>-1){ return result; } return this; } }(fn); } } Canvas.prototype = { /** * 设置context的属性值 * @param name 属性名 * @param value 属性值 * @return this */ set : function(name,value){ if(typeof name == 'object'){ for(var p in name){ this.ctx[p] && (this.ctx[p] = name[p]); } }else{ this.ctx[name] && (this.ctx[name] = value); } return this; }, /** * 获取context的属性值 * @param name 属性名 * @return value 属性值 */ get : function(name){ return this.ctx[name]; }, /** * context填充 * @param color 填充颜色 * @return this */ fill : function (color) { if (typeof color === 'string') { this.set('fillStyle', color); } this.ctx.fill(); return this; }, /** * context描边 * @param color 描边颜色 * @return this */ stroke : function (color,width) { if (typeof color === 'string') { this.set('strokeStyle', color); width && this.set('lineWidth',width); } this.ctx.stroke(); return this; }, /** * 填充文本,在文本中加入\n可实现换行 * @param text * @param x * @param y * @param style * @return {*} */ fillText : function(text,x,y,style){ this.ctx.save(); if(style && typeof style == 'object'){ for(var p in style){ this.set(p,style[p]); } } var texts = (text+'').split('\n'); if(texts.length > 1){ var fontsize = this.getFontSize(); for(var i=0;i 0 && delta <= 250) touch.isDoubleTap = true; touch.last = now; longTapTimeout = setTimeout(longTap, longTapDelay); } function touchmove(e){ if(!touch.last)return; var ev = e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e; touch.x2 = ev.pageX - offset.left; touch.y2 = ev.pageY - offset.top; if (Math.abs(touch.x1 - touch.x2) > 15){ e.preventDefault(); cancelAll(); } } function touchend(e){ cancelLongTap(); if ('last' in touch){ //tap事件,单击/双击都会触发,0延迟,建议在不使用doubleTap的环境中使用,如果要同时使用tap和doubleTap,请使用singleTap _this.trigger('_tap',[touch.x1,touch.y1]); _this.trigger('tap',[touch.x1,touch.y1]); if (touch.isDoubleTap) { cancelAll(); _this.trigger('_doubleTap',[touch.x1,touch.y1]); _this.trigger('doubleTap',[touch.x1,touch.y1]); }else { touchTimeout = setTimeout(function(){ touchTimeout = null; _this.trigger('_singleTap',[touch.x1,touch.y1]); _this.trigger('singleTap',[touch.x1,touch.y1]); touch = {}; }, 250) } }; } function longTap() { longTapTimeout = null; if (touch.last) { _this.trigger('_longTap',[touch.x1,touch.y1]); _this.trigger('longTap',[touch.x1,touch.y1]); touch = {}; } } function cancelLongTap() { if (longTapTimeout) clearTimeout(longTapTimeout); longTapTimeout = null; } function cancelAll() { if (touchTimeout) clearTimeout(touchTimeout); if (longTapTimeout) clearTimeout(longTapTimeout); touchTimeout = longTapTimeout = null; touch = {}; } } } _.Chart = Chart;})(JChart);;(function(_){ function Line(data,cfg){ _.Scale.apply(this); var pointRanges = [];//记录线的节点位置 (for click 事件) this._type_ = 'line'; this.data = data; this.chartData = null; var _this = this; _.extend(this.config,{ //平滑曲线 smooth : true, //是否显示线的连接点 showPoint : true, //连接圆点半径 pointRadius : 4, //连接点的边框宽度 pointBorderWidth : 2, //连接点的点击范围(方便手指触摸) pointClickBounds : 20, //连接线的宽度 lineWidth : 2, //是否填充为面积图 fill : true, //是否可以对数据进行拖动 datasetGesture : false, //每次显示的数据条数 datasetShowNumber : 12 }); /** * 绑定canvas dom元素上的事件 如:click、touch */ this.bindEvents = function(){ //this.ctx.canvas.addEventListener('click',tapHandler); this.on('_tap',tapHandler); if(this.config.datasetGesture){ this.bindDataGestureEvent(); } } /** * 初始化部分元素值 */ this.draw = function(noAnim){ this.mergeFont(['textFont','scaleFont']); if(this.config.datasetGesture && this.data.labels.length > _this.config.datasetShowNumber){ this.chartData = this.sliceData(this.data,0,this.data.labels.length,this.config.datasetShowNumber); }else{ this.chartData = this.data; } _this.initScale(true); if(noAnim){ this.drawScale(); this.drawLines(1); }else{ this.doAnim(this.drawScale,this.drawLines); } } this.redraw = function(data){ this.chartData = data; this.clear(); this.initScale(true); this.drawScale(); this.drawLines(1); } this.drawLines = function(animPc){ if(animPc >= 1)pointRanges = []; var ctx = _this.ctx,cfg = _this.config,dataset = _this.chartData.datasets,scale = _this.scaleData; _.each(dataset,function(set,i){ //画连接线 ctx.beginPath().moveTo(scale.x, yPos(i,0)); _.each(set.data,function(d,j){ var pointX = xPos(j),pointY = yPos(i,j); if (cfg.smooth){ //贝塞尔曲线 ctx.bezierCurveTo(xPos(j-0.5),yPos(i,j-1),xPos(j-0.5),pointY,pointX,pointY); }else{ ctx.lineTo(pointX,pointY); } if(animPc >= 1){ pointRanges.push([pointX,pointY,j,i]); } }); ctx.stroke(set.color,cfg.lineWidth); //填充区域 cfg.fill ? ctx.lineTo(scale.x + (scale.xHop*(set.data.length-1)),scale.y).lineTo(scale.x,scale.y).closePath() .fill(set.fillColor?set.fillColor : _.hex2Rgb(set.color,0.6)) : ctx.closePath(); //画点以及点上文本 _.each(set.data,function(d,k){ var x = xPos(k),y = yPos(i,k); cfg.showPoint && _this.drawPoint(x,y,set); cfg.showText && _this.drawText("¥"+d,x,y-6,[k,i]); }); }); function yPos(i,j){ return scale.y - animPc*(_this.calcOffset(dataset[i].data[j],scale.yScaleValue,scale.yHop)); } function xPos(i){ return scale.x + (scale.xHop * i); } } function tapHandler(x,y){ var p = isInPointRange(x,y); if(p){ _this.trigger('tap.point',[_this.chartData.datasets[p[3]].data[p[2]],p[2],p[3]]); } } function isInPointRange(x,y){ var point,pb = _this.config.pointClickBounds; _.each(pointRanges,function(p){ if(x >= p[0] - pb && x <= p[0] + pb && y >= p[1]-pb && y <= p[1] + pb){ point = p; return false; } }); return point; } //初始化参数 if(cfg)this.initial(cfg); } _.Line = Line;})(JChart);(function(_){ function Pie(data,cfg){ _.Chart.apply(this); var angleRanges;//记录每个扇形的起始角度(从0开始) var _this = this; this.data = data; var radius,totalData = 0,startAngle = 0,rotateAngle = 0,currentOutIndex = -1,origin = {}; //覆盖配置项 _.extend(this.config,{ //border showBorder : true, //border color borderColor : "#fff", //border width borderWidth : 2, //开始角度,默认为12点钟方向 startAngle : -Math.PI/2, //旋转扇形,使其中线对应的角度 rotateAngle : Math.PI/2, //扇形弹出距离 pullOutDistance : 10, //点击扇形默认触发的事件类型 clickType : 'pullOut',// pullOut||rotate //环形图 isDount : false, dountRadiusPercent :0.4, totalAngle : Math.PI*2, dountText : '', dountFont : { size : 20, style : 600, color : '#3498DB' } }); /** * 计算各个扇形的起始角度 * @param data */ function calcAngel(){ var angle = 0; angleRanges = []; _.each(_this.data,function(d,i){ var start = angle; var percent = d.value/totalData; angle = angle + percent * _this.config.totalAngle; var end = angle; angleRanges.push([start,end,d,i,percent]); }) } function animRotate(percent){ drawPie(percent,'rotate'); } /** * 画饼图 * @param percent 动画比例 */ function drawPie (percent,type){ _this.clear(); percent = _this.config.animation ? percent : 1; _.each(angleRanges,function(a){ drawSector(a,percent,type); }); _this.config.isDount && _this.config.dountText && drawDountText(); } /** * 计算扇形真实的角度 */ function calcSectorAngle(r,p,t){ var start = r[0],end = r[1]; if(t == 'rotate'){ //旋转 start = start + startAngle + rotateAngle*p; end = end + startAngle + rotateAngle*p; }else{ //默认动画 start = start*p + startAngle; end = end*p + startAngle } return { start : start, end : end } } /** * 画扇形 * @param i * @param animPercent */ function drawSector(r,p,t){ var x = origin.x,y = origin.y,cfg = _this.config, index = r[3],angle = calcSectorAngle(r,p,t); if(index == currentOutIndex){ var midAngle = (r[0] + r[1])/2+startAngle; x += Math.cos(midAngle) * cfg.pullOutDistance; y += Math.sin(midAngle) * cfg.pullOutDistance; } if(cfg.isDount){ _this.ctx.dountSector(x,y,radius*cfg.dountRadiusPercent,radius,angle.start,angle.end,_this.data[index].color); }else{ _this.ctx.sector(x,y,radius,angle.start,angle.end,_this.data[index].color); } cfg.showBorder && _this.ctx.stroke(cfg.borderColor,cfg.borderWidth); cfg.showText && drawText(x,y,radius,angle.start,angle.end,r); } function drawText(x,y,r,start,end,data){ //计算文本位置 var middAngle = (start+end)/ 2, dis = r/ 2, percent = data[4],d = data[2]; if(_this.config.isDount){ dis = r/2 + r*_this.config.dountRadiusPercent/2; } percent = (percent * 100).toFixed(1)+'%'; // sam修改,修改了pie图表默认带有百分号的文字 percent = ""; var xaxis = Math.cos(middAngle) * dis + x, yaxis = Math.sin(middAngle) * dis + y; _this.drawText(percent,xaxis,yaxis,[d,data[3],data[4]]); } function drawDountText(){ _this.ctx.fillText(_this.config.dountText,origin.x,origin.y,_this.config.dountFont); } /** * 绑定canvas dom元素上的事件 如:click、touch */ this.bindEvents = function(){ this.on('_tap',function(x,y){tapHandler(x,y,'tap.pie')}); //暂时关闭doubleTap事件 //this.on('_doubleTap',function(x,y){tapHandler(x,y,'doubleTap.pie')}); this.on('_longTap',function(x,y){tapHandler(x,y,'longTap.pie')}); //添加一个默认点击事件 this.on('tap.pie',function(){ return true;}) } function tapHandler(x,y,event){ var type = _this.config.clickType; var angle = isInSegment(x,y); if(angle){ if(event == 'tap.pie'){ //处理一些默认行为 if(!_this.trigger(event,[angle[2],angle[3]]))return; if(type == 'rotate'){ _this.rotate(angle[3]); }else if(type == 'pullOut'){ _this.toggleSegment(angle[3]); } }else{ _this.trigger(type,[angle[2],angle[3]]); } } } function isInSegment(offsetX,offsetY){ var angle; var x = offsetX - origin.x; var y = offsetY - origin.y; //距离圆点的距离 var dfc = Math.sqrt( Math.pow( Math.abs(x), 2 ) + Math.pow( Math.abs(y), 2 ) ); var isInPie = (dfc <= radius); if(isInPie && _this.config.isDount){ //排除dount图中心区 isInPie = (dfc >= radius*_this.config.dountRadiusPercent); } if(!isInPie)return; var clickAngle = Math.atan2(y, x)-startAngle; if ( clickAngle < 0 ) clickAngle += 2 * Math.PI; if(clickAngle > 2 * Math.PI) clickAngle -= 2 * Math.PI; _.each(angleRanges,function(a){ if(clickAngle >= a[0] && clickAngle < a[1]){ angle = a; return false; } }); return angle; } /** * 弹出/收起扇形块 * @param i 扇形索引 */ this.toggleSegment = function(i){ if(i == currentOutIndex){ this.pushIn(); }else{ this.pullOut(i); } } /** * 收起所有弹出的扇形块 */ this.pushIn = function(){ currentOutIndex = -1; drawPie(1); this.trigger('pushIn'); } /** * 弹出指定的扇形块 * @param i 扇形索引 */ this.pullOut = function(i){ if ( currentOutIndex == i ) return; currentOutIndex = i; drawPie(1); this.trigger('pullOut',[_this.data[i],i,angleRanges[i][4]]); } /** * 旋转扇形块的中线指向6点钟方向 * @param i 扇形索引 */ this.rotate = function(i){ if(_this.isAnimating)return; var middAngle = (angleRanges[i][0] + angleRanges[i][1]) / 2 + startAngle; var newRotateAngle = _this.config.rotateAngle-middAngle; if(_.isEqual(newRotateAngle,0))return; this.pushIn(); rotateAngle = newRotateAngle; this.doAnim(null,animRotate,function(){ startAngle += rotateAngle; _this.trigger('rotate',[_this.data[i],i,angleRanges[i][4]]); }); } this.setDountText = function(text){ _this.config.dountText = text; drawPie(1); } /** * 画图 */ this.draw = function(noAnim){ this.mergeFont(['textFont','dountFont']); calcOrigin(); totalData = 0; currentOutIndex = -1; _.each(_this.data,function(d){ totalData += d.value; }); calcAngel(); startAngle = _this.config.startAngle; if(noAnim){ drawPie(1); }else{ this.doAnim(null,drawPie); } } //计算原点位置及半径 function calcOrigin(){ if(_this.config.totalAngle == Math.PI){ origin = { x : _this.width/2, y : _this.height - 20 } radius = Math.min(origin.x,origin.y) - 10; }else{ origin = {x:_this.width/2,y:_this.height/2}; radius = Math.min(origin.x,origin.y) - 10; } } //初始化参数 if(cfg)this.initial(cfg); } _.Pie = Pie;}(JChart)); ;(function(_){ function Polar(data,cfg){ _.Scale.apply(this); var _this = this; this.data = this.chartData = data; //配置项 _.extend(this.config,{ drawScaleFirst : false, //是否显示刻度文本背景 showScaleLabelBackdrop : true, //刻度背景颜色 scaleBackdropColor : "rgba(255,255,255,0.75)", //刻度padding-top bottom scaleBackdropPaddingY : 2, //刻度padding-left right scaleBackdropPaddingX : 2, //是否显示角度分割线 showAngleLine : true, //分割线颜色 angleLineColor : "rgba(0,0,0,.1)", showBorder : true, borderColor : '#fff', borderWidth : 1, textFont : { size : 16, color : '#666', textBaseline : 'middle' }, //分割线宽度 angleLineWidth : 1, //是否开启旋转动画 animateRotate : true, //是否开启缩放动画 animateScale : false }); /** * 绑定canvas dom元素上的事件 */ this.bindEvents = function(){ this.on('_tap',tapHandler); } this.draw = function(noAnim){ this.mergeFont(['scaleFont','textFont']); this.initScale(); if(noAnim){ this.drawAllSegments(1); this.drawScale(); } this.doAnim(this.drawScale,this.drawAllSegments); } function tapHandler(x,y){ var i = isInSegment(x,y); if(i>-1){ this.trigger('tap.pie',[this.data[i],i]); } } this.calcDrawingSizes = function(){ var maxSize = Math.min(this.width,this.height)/2, cfg = this.config,size = cfg.scaleFont.size,lh = size*2; maxSize -= Math.max(size*0.5,cfg.scaleLineWidth*0.5); if (cfg.showScaleLabelBackdrop){ lh += (2 * cfg.scaleBackdropPaddingY); maxSize -= cfg.scaleBackdropPaddingY*1.5; } this.scaleData.yHeight = maxSize - 10; this.scaleData.yLabelHeight = lh; } this.drawScale = function(){ var cfg = this.config,scale = this.scaleData,x = this.width/2, y = this.height/2 size = cfg.scaleFont.size,px = cfg.scaleBackdropPaddingX,py = cfg.scaleBackdropPaddingY; this.ctx.save().translate(x,y); //画圆圈 for (var i=0; i upperValue) {upperValue = data[i].value;} if (data[i].value < lowerValue) {lowerValue = data[i].value;} }; var yh = this.scaleData.yHeight; var lh = this.scaleData.yLabelHeight; var maxSteps = Math.floor((yh/(lh*0.66))); var minSteps = Math.floor((yh/lh*0.5)); return { maxValue : upperValue, minValue : lowerValue, maxSteps : maxSteps, minSteps : minSteps }; } function isInSegment(x,y){ var startAngle = -Math.PI/2, angleStep = (Math.PI*2)/this.data.length; var x = x-_this.width/ 2,y = y-_this.height/2; //距离圆点的距离 var dfc = Math.sqrt( Math.pow( Math.abs(x), 2 ) + Math.pow( Math.abs(y), 2 ) ); var isInPie = (dfc <= _this.scaleData.yHeight); if(!isInPie)return -1; var clickAngle = Math.atan2(y, x)-startAngle; if ( clickAngle < 0 ) clickAngle = 2 * Math.PI + clickAngle; if(clickAngle > 2 * Math.PI) clickAngle = clickAngle - 2 * Math.PI; return Math.floor(clickAngle/angleStep); } //初始化参数 if(cfg)this.initial(cfg); } _.Polar = Polar; })(JChart);;(function (_) { function Radar(data, cfg) { _.Scale.apply(this); var pointRanges = [];//记录线的节点位置 (for click 事件) var _this = this; this.data = this.chartData = data; //配置项 _.extend(this.config, { drawScaleFirst : false, //是否显示刻度文本背景 scaleShowLabelBackdrop:true, //刻度背景颜色 scaleBackdropColor:"rgba(255,255,255,0.75)", //刻度padding-top bottom scaleBackdropPaddingY:2, //刻度padding-left right scaleBackdropPaddingX:2, //图形形状,菱形 diamond,圆形 circle graphShape:'circle', //是否显示角度分割线 showAngleLine:true, //角度分割线颜色 angleLineColor:"rgba(0,0,0,.1)", //角度分割线宽度 angleLineWidth:1, //是否显示线的连接点 showPoint:true, //连接圆点半径 pointRadius:3, //连接点的边框宽度 pointBorderWidth:1, //连接点的点击范围(方便手指触摸) pointClickBounds:20, //连接线的宽度 lineWidth:2, //是否填充为面积图 fill:true, showScaleLabel:true, showText : false, gridLineColor:'rgb(0,0,0,.5)' }); /** * 绑定canvas dom元素上的事件 如:click、touch */ this.bindEvents = function () { this.on('_tap', tapHandler); } this.draw = function (noAnim) { this.mergeFont(['scaleFont','textFont']); this.initScale(); if (noAnim) { this.drawAllDataPoints(1); this.drawScale(); } else { this.doAnim(this.drawScale, this.drawAllDataPoints); } } function tapHandler(x, y) { var p = isInPointRange(x,y); if(p){ _this.trigger('tap.point',[_this.data.datasets[p[3]].data[p[2]],p[2],p[3]]); } } this.calcDrawingSizes = function () { var maxSize = (Math.min(this.width, this.height) / 2), cfg = this.config, labelHeight = cfg.scaleFont.size * 2; var labelLength = 0; _.each(_this.data.labels, function (label) { this.ctx.set(cfg.textFont); var w = this.ctx.measureText(label).width; if (w > labelLength) labelLength = w; }, this); maxSize -= Math.max(labelLength, ((cfg.textFont.size/2) * 1.5)); maxSize -= cfg.textFont.size; maxSize = _.capValue(maxSize, null, 0); this.scaleData.yHeight = maxSize; this.scaleData.yLabelHeight = labelHeight; } this.drawScale = function () { var ctx = this.ctx, cfg = this.config, scale = this.scaleData,scaleSize = cfg.scaleFont.size,textSize = cfg.textFont.size, dataLen = this.data.labels.length,px = cfg.scaleBackdropPaddingX,py = cfg.scaleBackdropPaddingY; //计算每条数据的角度 var rotationDegree = (2 * Math.PI) / dataLen; ctx.save().translate(this.width / 2, this.height / 2); //显示角度分割线 if (cfg.showAngleLine) { var w = scale.yHeight - (scale.yHeight % scale.yHop); //画每个角度的分割线 for (var h = 0; h < dataLen; h++) { ctx.rotate(rotationDegree).line(0,0,0,-w,cfg.angleLineColor,cfg.angleLineWidth); } } //画刻度线 for (var i = 0; i < scale.yScaleValue.step; i++) { var hop = scale.yHop * (i + 1); ctx.beginPath(); if (cfg.showGridLine) { ctx.set({strokeStyle : cfg.gridLineColor,lineWidth : cfg.gridLineWidth}) if (cfg.graphShape == 'diamond') { ctx.moveTo(0, -hop); for (var j = 0; j < dataLen; j++) { ctx.rotate(rotationDegree).lineTo(0, -hop); } } else { ctx.circle(0, 0, hop); } ctx.closePath().stroke(); } //画刻度值 if (cfg.showScaleLabel) { var label = scale.yScaleValue.labels[i]; //显示刻度值的背景 if (cfg.showScaleLabelBackdrop){ var textWidth = this.ctx.measureText(label).width; this.ctx.rect( Math.round(-textWidth/2 - px), //X Math.round(-hop - scaleSize/2 - py),//Y Math.round(textWidth + px*2), //Width Math.round(scaleSize + py*2), //Height cfg.scaleBackdropColor ); } this.ctx.fillText(label,0,-hop,cfg.scaleFont); } } //设置文本样式 this.ctx.set(cfg.textFont); //显示数据标签文本 for (var k = 0; k < dataLen; k++) { var opposite = Math.sin(rotationDegree * k) * (scale.yHeight + textSize); var adjacent = Math.cos(rotationDegree * k) * (scale.yHeight + textSize); var align; if (rotationDegree * k == Math.PI || rotationDegree * k == 0) { align = 'center'; } else if (rotationDegree * k > Math.PI) { align = 'right'; }else { align = 'left'; } this.ctx.fillText(this.data.labels[k], opposite, -adjacent,{textAlign:align}); } ctx.restore(); } this.drawAllDataPoints = function (animPc) { if (animPc >= 1)pointRanges = []; var dataLen = data.datasets[0].data.length, rotationDegree = (2 * Math.PI) / dataLen, scale = this.scaleData, ctx = this.ctx, cfg = this.config; ctx.save().translate(this.width / 2, this.height / 2); _.each(this.data.datasets, function (set, i) { ctx.beginPath().moveTo(0, getY(set.data[0])); //画连接线 _.each(set.data, function (d, j) { if (j == 0)return true; ctx.rotate(rotationDegree).lineTo(0, getY(d)); }); ctx.closePath(); cfg.fill && ctx.fill(set.fillColor||_.hex2Rgb(set.color,0.6)); ctx.stroke(set.color,cfg.lineWidth); //画连接点 _.each(set.data,function(d,j){ var y = getY(d); if (cfg.showPoint) { ctx.rotate(rotationDegree).circle(0, y, cfg.pointRadius,set.pointColor,set.pointBorderColor,cfg.pointBorderWidth); } if(animPc >= 1){ var p = getPosition(y,j); pointRanges.push([p[0],p[1],j,i]); } }); ctx.rotate(rotationDegree); }, this); ctx.restore(); if(cfg.showText){ drawText(); } function getY(d){ return -animPc * _this.calcOffset(d, scale.yScaleValue, scale.yHop); } function getPosition(radius,i){ radius = Math.abs(radius); var x,y; var angel = -Math.PI/2 + i * rotationDegree; x = Math.cos(angel)*radius + _this.width/2; y = Math.sin(angel)*radius + _this.height/2; return [x,y]; } } function drawText(){ _.each(pointRanges,function(p){ var y = p[1]; if(y > _this.height/2){ y += 6; } _this.drawText(_this.data.datasets[p[3]].data[p[2]],p[0],y,[p[2],p[3]]); }); } function isInPointRange(x,y){ var point,pb = _this.config.pointClickBounds; _.each(pointRanges,function(p){ if(x >= p[0] - pb && x <= p[0] + pb && y >= p[1]-pb && y <= p[1] + pb){ point = p; return false; } }); return point; } //初始化参数 if (cfg)this.initial(cfg); } _.Radar = Radar;})(JChart);;(function(_){ /** * 抽象类-刻度值 * 用来初始化XY轴各项数据 * @constructor */ function Scale(){ var P_T = 5,//图表顶部空白 P_R = 5,//图表右侧空白 P_Y = 10,//y轴左侧空白 P_X = 10;//x轴文本与x之间的间距 _.Chart.apply(this); _.extend(this.config,{ /** * @Object * Y轴刻度值,默认为null,会自动生成,也可以自己指定 * { * step : 10,//刻度个数,必选项 * stepValue : 10//每两个刻度线之间的差值,必选项 * start : 0//起始刻度值,默认为0 * } */ scale : null, //xy轴刻度线的颜色 scaleLineColor : "rgba(0,0,0,.3)", //刻度线宽度 scaleLineWidth:1, //是否显示Y轴刻度值 showScaleLabel : true, //是否显示X轴刻度值 showLabel : true, //刻度值字体属性 scaleFont : { size:12, color : '#666' }, textFont : { size : 14, textBaseline : 'bottom' }, //是否显示网格线 showGridLine : true, //网格线颜色 gridLineColor : "rgba(0,0,0,.1)", //网格线宽度 gridLineWidth : 1 }); //数据偏移量-已经偏移 this.dataOffset = 0; this.scaleData = { x : 0,//圆点坐标 y : 0, xHop : 0,//x轴数据项宽度 yHop : 0,//y轴每个刻度的高度 xLength : 0,//x轴长度 yHeight : 0,//y轴高度 yLabelHeight : 0,//y轴刻度文本高度 yScaleValue : null,//y轴刻度指标 labelRotate : 0,//x轴label旋转角度 xLabelWidth : 0,//x轴label宽度 xLabelHeight : 0,//x轴label宽度 barWidth : 0//柱形图柱子宽度 } /** * 计算X轴文本宽度、旋转角度及Y轴高度 */ this.calcDrawingSizes = function(){ var maxSize = this.height,widestX = 0,scaleFontSize = this.config.scaleFont.size, xLabelWidth = 0,xLabelHeight = scaleFontSize, labelRotate = 0,dataLen = this.chartData.labels.length; //计算X轴,如果发现数据宽度超过总宽度,需要将label进行旋转 this.ctx.set(this.config.scaleFont); //找出最宽的label _.each(this.chartData.labels,function(o){ var w = this.ctx.measureText(o).width; widestX = (w > widestX)? w : widestX; },this); xLabelWidth = widestX; if (this.width/dataLen < widestX){ labelRotate = 45; xLabelWidth = Math.cos(labelRotate*Math.PI/180) * widestX; xLabelHeight = Math.sin(labelRotate*Math.PI/180) * widestX ; if (this.width/dataLen < xLabelHeight){ labelRotate = 90; xLabelWidth = scaleFontSize; xLabelHeight = widestX; } } //减去x轴label的高度 maxSize -= xLabelHeight; //减去x轴文本与x轴之间的间距 maxSize -= P_X; //给Y轴顶部留一点空白 maxSize -= P_T; maxSize -= this.config.showText?scaleFontSize:0; //y轴高度 this.scaleData.yHeight = maxSize; //y轴刻度高度 this.scaleData.yLabelHeight = scaleFontSize; //x轴文本旋转角度 this.scaleData.labelRotate = labelRotate; //x轴文本的宽度 this.scaleData.xLabelWidth = xLabelWidth; //x轴文本的高度 this.scaleData.xLabelHeight = xLabelHeight; } /** * 计算Y轴刻度的边界及刻度步数 * @return {Object} */ this.getValueBounds = function(dataset) { var upperValue = Number.MIN_VALUE; var lowerValue = Number.MAX_VALUE; _.each(dataset,function(o){ _.each(o.data,function(obj){ if(obj > upperValue){upperValue = obj}; if (obj < lowerValue) { lowerValue = obj}; }); }) var yh = this.scaleData.yHeight; var lh = this.scaleData.yLabelHeight; var maxSteps = Math.floor((yh/(lh*0.66))); var minSteps = Math.floor((yh/lh*0.5)); return { maxValue : upperValue, minValue : lowerValue, maxSteps : maxSteps, minSteps : minSteps }; } /** * 计算Y轴刻度的各项数据 */ this.calcYAxis = function(){ var scale = this.config.scale; if (scale){ scale.start = scale.start || 0; scale.labels = this.populateLabels(scale.step,scale.start,scale.stepValue); }else { var bounds = this.getValueBounds(this.chartData.datasets); scale = this.calcScale(this.scaleData.yHeight,bounds.maxSteps,bounds.minSteps,bounds.maxValue,bounds.minValue); } this.scaleData.yScaleValue = scale; this.scaleData.yHop = Math.floor(this.scaleData.yHeight/scale.step); } /** * 计算X轴宽度,每个数据项宽度大小及坐标原点 */ this.calcXAxis = function(){ var config = this.config,scale = this.scaleData,yLabelWidth = 0,xAxisLength,valueHop, x,y; if (config.showScaleLabel){ //找出Y轴刻度的最宽值 _.each(scale.yScaleValue.labels,function(o){ var w = this.ctx.measureText(o).width; yLabelWidth = (w > yLabelWidth)? w : yLabelWidth; },this); yLabelWidth += P_Y; } // sam修改,主要是x轴宽度加10了,对于line图表,如果你隐藏了y轴的刻度值,连着隐藏x轴的起点一半 //x轴的宽度 xAxisLength = this.width - yLabelWidth-(P_R+10)-(this.config.showText?this.config.textFont.size:0); if(this._type_ == 'bar'){ //计算柱形图柱子宽度,柱形图x轴文本居中显示,需要重新计算数据项宽度 valueHop = Math.floor(xAxisLength/this.chartData.labels.length); var len = this.chartData.datasets.length; scale.barWidth = (valueHop - config.gridLineWidth*2 - (config.barSetSpacing*2) - (config.barSpacing*len-1) - ((config.barBorderWidth/2)*len-1))/len; }else{ valueHop = Math.floor(xAxisLength/(this.chartData.labels.length-1)); } // sam修改,主要是x轴宽度加10了,对于line图表,如果你隐藏了y轴的刻度值,连着隐藏x轴的起点一半 scale.x = yLabelWidth+10; scale.y = this.height - scale.xLabelHeight - P_X; scale.xWidth = xAxisLength+10; scale.xHop = valueHop; } this.drawScale = function(){ var ctx = this.ctx,cfg = this.config,scale = this.scaleData,align; ctx.set({ strokeStyle : cfg.scaleLineColor, lineWidth : cfg.scaleLineWidth }) //画X轴 ctx.line(scale.x-3, scale.y, scale.x+scale.xWidth, scale.y, true); //画Y轴 ctx.line(scale.x,scale.y+3, scale.x,scale.y-scale.yHeight, true); //画X轴刻度文本 if (scale.labelRotate > 0){ ctx.save(); align = 'right'; }else{ align = 'center'; } ctx.set({ fillStyle : cfg.scaleFont.color, textAlign : align, textBaseline : 'hanging', strokeStyle : cfg.gridLineColor, lineWidth : cfg.gridLineWidth }); _.each(this.chartData.labels,function(label,i){ ctx.save(); var cx = scale.x + i*scale.xHop,labelY = scale.y + P_X/ 2, labelX = this._type_ == 'bar'?cx + scale.xHop/2 : cx; if (scale.labelRotate > 0){ ctx.translate(labelX,labelY).rotate(-(scale.labelRotate * (Math.PI/180))).fillText(label,0,0).restore(); }else{ ctx.fillText(label, labelX,labelY); } //画纵向的网格线 if(cfg.showGridLine){ var x = (this._type_ == 'bar')?cx + scale.xHop : cx; ctx.line(x, scale.y, x, scale.y-scale.yHeight,true); } },this); //画横向网格线 ctx.set({textAlign:'right',textBaseline:'middle'}); for (var j=0; j maxSteps) { if (step < minSteps){ stepValue /= 2; step = Math.round(range/stepValue); } else{ stepValue *=2; step = Math.round(range/stepValue); } }; var labels = this.populateLabels(step, min, stepValue);; return { step : step, stepValue : stepValue, start : min, labels : labels } function calculateOrderOfMagnitude(val){ return Math.floor(Math.log(val) / Math.LN10); } } /** * 构造刻度值 * @param labels * @param numberOfSteps * @param graphMin * @param stepValue */ this.populateLabels = function (step, start, stepValue) { var labels = []; for (var i = 1; i < step + 1; i++) { if(!this.config.showScaleLabel){ labels.push(''); continue; } //小数点位数与stepValue后的小数点一致 var value = (start + (stepValue * i)).toFixed(_.getDecimalPlaces(stepValue)); var text = this.trigger('renderYLabel',[value]); text = text ? text : value; labels.push(text); } return labels; }, this.calcOffset = function(val,scale,scaleHop){ var outerValue = scale.step * scale.stepValue; var adjustedValue = val - scale.start; var scalingFactor = _.capValue(adjustedValue/outerValue,1,0); return (scaleHop*scale.step) * scalingFactor; }, this.sliceData = function(data,offset,len,num){ var newdata = _.clone(data); var min = offset,max = offset + num; if(max > len){ min = len - num; max = len; } newdata.labels = newdata.labels.slice(min,max); _.each(newdata.datasets,function(d){ d.data = d.data.slice(min,max) }); return newdata; } this.bindDataGestureEvent = function(){ var _this = this, touchDistanceX,//手指滑动偏移量 startPosition,//触摸初始位置记录 currentOffset = 0,//当前一次滑动的偏移量 dataNum = this.config.datasetShowNumber,//每屏显示的数据条数 gestureStarted, hasTouch = 'ontouchstart' in window, START_EV = hasTouch ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown', MOVE_EV = hasTouch ? 'touchmove' : 'mousemove', END_EV = hasTouch ? 'touchend' : 'mouseup'; this.ctx.el.addEventListener(START_EV,touchstart); this.ctx.el.addEventListener(MOVE_EV,touchmove); this.ctx.el.addEventListener(END_EV,touchend); function touchstart(e){ e = e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e; startPosition = { x : e.pageX, y : e.pageY } touchDistanceX = 0; gestureStarted = true; } function touchmove(e){ if(!gestureStarted || !_this.config.datasetGesture)return; e = e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e; var x = e.pageX; var y = e.pageY; touchDistanceX = x - startPosition.x; //每滑动xHop加载下一组数据 var totalLen = _this.data.labels.length;//数据总长度 var offset = _this.dataOffset - Math.floor(touchDistanceX/_this.scaleData.xHop); if(offset < 0 || offset == currentOffset||(offset+dataNum > totalLen))return; currentOffset = offset; console.log(offset); //将操作加入系统队列,解决android系统下touchmove的bug setTimeout(function(){ _this.redraw(_this.sliceData(_this.data,offset,totalLen,dataNum)); },0) } function touchend(event){ gestureStarted = false; _this.dataOffset = currentOffset; } } } _.Scale = Scale;})(JChart);